90. How To Generate High Quality Backlinks – Strategy 2

Another method to generate

high quality back link for your website

is to look at all the back links your competitors have.

So the beauty of this is you can go through the whole list

and simply cherry pick the ones you think are good

and then build them out for your website too.

So the first we need to do is type

in a keyword we want to target,

such as flooring contractor Richmond, Virginia.

This will then return some companies.

We are competing in our local area

so it’s important we look at our local companies

and not the big lead generation companies.

So we want to avoid looking at Angie’s List,

Porch, for example.

So obviously we have Level Finish

there on page one as well.

We want to ignore these guys.

That’s obviously us.

Let’s go for Costen Floors.

So let’s have a look at all the back links these guys have.

So let’s get Costen Floors

and we’re gonna go over to semrush to do this.

And just like we’ve done many times in the past

we’re gonna copy in the website domain name

and then click search.

Just looking at the site whilst it’s loading,

the site does a pretty good honest view

so I’m hoping they do have a decent amount

of back links in there.

So let’s wait for semrush to load now

which didn’t take too long.

So the information has now populated and it’s loaded.

Just again, make sure you have the right database selected.

So we do have United States.

Now what we can do is click the number that says Backlinks.

So they actually have quite a lot of backlinks

so over a hundred thousand different backlinks

from 269 different websites.

So the sites they do have and linking to them

they seem to be linking to them multiple times,

which is quite interesting.

So let’s go ahead and look at the back links.

Right, the information has now populated,

and as you can see it was last updated nine days ago now,

so just over a week ago which is good

as it means information is up to date.

So before you start looking at all of the backlinks

you want to make sure you have the follow tab selected,

so much we’ll only show you back links that I do follow.

If you have this selected

if you have all links or even no follow

what will happen is semrush will show you a mix

of follow and no follow links,

which as we know from the last video

in this training course

we don’t want to be building a guest post links

that are no follow as no follow links

don’t provide any SEO value at tool.

So no follow links are typically for citations.

So when you’re building a guest post,

you want to have follow links selected.

So as a result, now we can see all the do follow links

for this website.

We can scroll down, we just get one on

Holly Port Ventures for example.

There’s one on Richmond Magazine,

which is most likely just gonna be mentioning them

as a business in Richmond.

So we wanna find a link on a site,

which we know is gonna be a guest post.

So typically you can figure it out

by the name of the site.

So, and the URL.

So insight to help keep your hardwood floor shiny

and well maintained.

So potentially this could be actually a

guest post opportunity.

Let’s open that in a new tab.

And we’ve got this one right here.

How to grout like a pro.

Let’s look at these two links.

So the first is on Mar Lynn website,

so it seems to be a female blogger,

and you can see it’s just a general article

about how to keep your hardwood floors shiny

and well maintained.

So the content seems to be pretty decent in length.

You can see there’s a link right here,

which is, it is recommended.

So this is probably just a recommendation

to an authority site in this industry.

Keep scrolling down.

We’ll see there’s a link here talking about Costen Floors.

So use these tips to maintain your hardwood floors

and keep them looking nice for more information

contact companies like Costen Floors.

So potentially we could actually reach

out to this site and say,

Hey I saw you had an article talking about hardwood floors.

Are you interested in getting another

hardwood floor article mentioned on your site?

Potentially, I can cover topics such

as how much do hardwood floors cost,

and as a result you could then get that article written,

send it across to Marlyn,

and then she then get it posted on her site.

So if you look at the second link we found

we can see it’s

How to Grout Like A Pro.

It’s published in 2016.

And essentially it’s an article just talking

about how to grout your floor like a pro.

And as you can see at the end of the article,

it says, for tile installation,

contact a company such as Costen Floors.

So this is an example of another link

we can then go out and get for our site.

So again, it’ll be the same process.

It would simply be going on this site,

using a contact form and just saying,

Hey, I know you shared an article talking

about how to grout like a pro.

Are you open to having more articles like this on your site?

If so, I would love to write one for you.

Here’s an article one or topic one, topic two

and topic three, which one would you like to go ahead with?

They would then tell you what topic they like.

You would go ahead, get it written, send it across to them

and then you’d now have a guest post on both of these sites.

So it’s an extremely powerful method

as you can essentially filter through all of the back links

and then see what ones you’d like to get a link on.

Of course, when you’re evaluating the links

you wanna follow the same five points of criteria

make sure they have good traffic,

the good domain authority and page authority.

This is just an overview to show how

we find those opportunities in the first place.

91. How To Generate High Quality Backlinks – Strategy 3

Strategy three, sponsorships.

Sponsorship link building, as it sounds,

involves going out and finding sponsorship opportunities

relevant to your city.

Keyword being local to your city.

The reason why you wanna focus

on opportunities relevant to your city

is you’ll get the additional benefit in the link,

which will be geo relevancy.

As we already know,

links are important for ranking in Google.

When we have a link from a local entity,

such as a business

or maybe even a local sports team, for example,

we are also increasing our local relevance as well.

So it’s kind of like killing two birds with one stone.

There’s two methods you can use to find these opportunities

both involve using Google search operators.

Essentially we’re going to be looking for pages

that have the word sponsorship

in either the URL or the page title.

So let’s head over to Google and see this in action.

Right, so I’m over on Google now

and I’m simply gonna carry a search out

for the first site operator

which was inurl:sponsorship city name,

so for me

the city name’s obviously gonna be Richmond, Virginia

as that is a city I am targeting with the business.

So let’s search for that.

If you do get this that come up,

it just means you’ve done a few search operators

in a short space of time,

so just get rid of that,

click I’m not a robot,

and you should get your results popping through.

So don’t worry about that box, Indeed,

it’s just Google making sure

you’re not like a spammer or like a robot for example.

So now the results have loaded, you can see I’ve got Indeed

which is obviously a job website

so I wanna ignore that one.

I’ve got visitrichmondva.com,

which is really good

as they have my location in the domain name, Richmond,

which meant if I got a link from them

that will pass tons and tons of geo relevancy.

So that’s a good one to find straight away.

We’ve got urgent sponsored jobs in Richmond.

So again, that would be a job,

I’m not looking for jobs here.

I’ve got CREW Richmond sponsorship,

they have a Richmond address.

This potentially be another good one.

We’ve got sportbackers.org.

You can also go on the later pages on Google

to find more opportunities,

it won’t only just be page one.

So for example, I’m on,

I’m pretty sure this is page two now,

and we’ve got this example site right here,

Sponsorship Opportunities,

so I’ve got four open in total now.

So you can see there’s quite a lot of opportunities.

So what you wanna do

is go and look at the sites in a bit more detail.

So, when you’re analyzing these sites

it’s not the same five criteria points

as when determine if the link is good.

As these are sponsorship opportunities

and the links are from local companies,

you can be a little more lenient

on what you mark them down upon.

So for example, I wouldn’t worry

about how much traffic they have

or what keywords they appear for,

it’s more about getting a link from a local site.

So we can see we’ve got the visitrichmondvirginia.com.

This is the first site and this should be sponsoring,

by the looks of it, region, tourism or events.

So again, depending on what you wanna sponsor,

you can get in touch with these guys

and just figure out how much it is

to actually you get a sponsor link,

and, obviously, really important as well,

we wanna figure out what you’re actually sponsoring

and what you’re paying for.

So this is another great way,

so what I’m gonna do, this site looks very good,

and just to make sure as well,

they are based in Richmond, Virginia,

as I can see that from the street address

and obviously it’s apparent from the name.

So I’m gonna log this one on our spreadsheet.

So as you can see,

it’s a similar spreadsheet we’re using for the guest post.

However, as you can see

I’ve removed the elements which we don’t need,

such as the traffic and so on.

So I’m gonna plug in the website URL

and now I wanna get the page authority and domain authority.

So again, you don’t need to be too tough with this

as, like I said, this is more of a local business,

so getting geo relevance out of it as well.

So if we click the Moz extension.

You will see page authority 26, domain authority 55.

So again, actually really good numbers anyway, 26 and 55,

so I’m gonna fill that in, 26 and 55,

also, I’m not sure how much it is to sponsor,

so I’m actually gonna get in touch with these people

and find out.

So if we look at the other one, which is crewrichmond.org.

You can see a paid authority 13, domain authority 14.

So again, a little bit low,

but it’s nothing to worry about

as we’re getting the geo relevant link.

So looking at the sponsorship opportunities,

wow, that’s very expensive.

$5,000, that’s way over my budget.

We’ve got $2,000 and we’ve got $1,000.

The cheaper seems to be $500,

which to be fair is still a lot of money,

so I’m just gonna close this one.

However, if that is within your budget,

do feel free to go ahead and contact these guys.

For me, that’s over my budget, so I’m gonna skip that one.

The next site we have open is sportbackers.org.

So I’m not actually sure where they are based.

Are they actually based in Richmond?

However, if you see they’ve got domain authority of 47

and page authority of 28,

so again, pretty good numbers up there.

Just wanna scroll down

and see where these guys are actually based.

So we can see they are based in Richmond, Virginia.

So again, this could be a very good opportunity

of sponsoring something to do with sports.

So I’m gonna copy this,

go back to my spreadsheet.

Page authority and domain authority,

I’m pretty sure it was 28 and 47.

So 28 and 47.

So again, just me keeping a log

of all these sites and how powerful they are.

If we check the last one

we can see we’ve got Virginia Energy Efficiency Council.

So again, seems to be the council in Virginia.

Page authority 19, domain authority 22,

just add that to our spreadsheet, 19 and 22,

19 and 22, forgot to copy the URL,

let’s just get that in there as well.

And let’s see if they have a price to sponsor on here.

To be fair, what am I’m actually even sponsoring, let’s see.

close, it is quite important to me,

I don’t wanna just sponsor anything just for the link,

it’s nice to actually have more of an impact as well.

So let’s click this to view the opportunities.

I guess by the sounds of the website

it would be related to energy efficiency,

which is like saving the planet, which is great,

so I’d be happy to sponsor a site like this.

And we can see they have prices

which actually the cheapest starts at $100.

So again, I’ll just go back to my spreadsheet

and I’ll put price of sponsor, $100 in here,

which would be 100 pound,

obviously I’ll convert that to the right currency,

which for me would be currency in this instance.

So I would just go for United States.

Oh, that would be a Spanish currency,

we don’t want that one.

Let’s go to this one, English, United States

and then click okay.

So that’s the right currency in there now.

So the beauty of this

is when you start going through the first 10 pages

on Google, you really start to get

tons of local sponsorship opportunities

for your business and it’s extremely powerful.

So what we just done on Google was the first one,

which was inurl:sponsorship “city name.”

You can then rinse and repeat

and go intitle and do exactly the same things.

And then Google will return all the sponsor opportunities

that have sponsorship in the title.

So, again, you can find

probably another 50 more using this method here.

So it’s an extremely powerful method.

Make sure you do incorporate it

into your link building campaign.

93. How To Generate High Quality Backlinks – Strategy 4

Strategy four, create a local content asset.

So a local content asset is a piece of content you create

that is an asset to you and to someone else.

So typically the best way to create them

is what we call using an infographic.

If you haven’t heard of the term infographic before,

it’s essentially it’s literally an image

that provides information in a graphical form,

so such as this.

So here we have an infographic for London.

So you can see within this infographic

there’s multiple sections,

such as annual visit to the most famous sites of London.

So then you have the Big Ben and House of Parliament,

you’ve got Tower Bridge,

you’ve got St. Paul’s Cathedral,

you’ve got London Eye.

Then we have other sections as well.

Traditional transport,

where it’s a black cab or a London bus.

So you can see essentially what this image is doing,

it’s giving you tons of information about London.

So you might be thinking,

this is great but how do I apply it to my business?

And most importantly, how do I get links from it?

We can use the same principle

and use the same strategy

and apply it to our business too.

So for example, for LevelFinish

I could create an infographic saying

the five best coffee shops in Richmond, Virginia.

And then in that infographic

I would cover the top five coffee shops.

So coffee shop one, two, three, four and five.

And then I would make that infographic

and then I’ll get it added to the blog on my website.

Once it’s added on a blog on my website,

I would then reach out to these

exact five local coffee shops and say,

hey I made this amazing infographic talking about

the five best coffee shops in Richmond,

you five guys were mentioned.

Would you mind checking it out

and adding a link on your site referencing it to it?

As a result, because they’re mentioned

in the top five coffee shops in Richmond,

they’re all gonna wanna brag about it

and tell all the customers,

hey I made it into the top five coffee shops in Richmond.

So as a result, you end up getting

tons of links back to your site as well

so if you had five coffee shops

and obviously you’d get five links.

If you put 10, then obviously you’d get 10 links.

So as you can imagine,

creating a local content asset

is a great way to track loads of geo relevant links,

as all these coffee shops will be based

in Richmond and they’ll all be linked to you.

So, what we just covered is what I refer to

is an advanced link building campaign.

I can almost guarantee that the businesses

you are competing with in your local area,

they aren’t going to this extent

to generate geo relevant links.

So as soon as you go ahead

and get loads of these infographics generated,

added to your blog,

you’re going to attract tons of local, geo relevant links

and over time you’re gonna build up the authority

and your geo relevance of your site

and you’re gonna blow these guys out of the water.

So you’re probably thinking, this is great

but I can’t actually make this infographic myself

but obviously I want one for my blog.

What do I do?

It’s actually a website called fiverr.com.

You might have seen it in the past.

Essentially, it’s a marketplace where

there’s sellers on there offering services,

as you’ve got digital marketing, writing, translation

and so on and so on.

If you went onto fiverr.com

and typed in a infographic,

you’ll see tons of people

providing infographic as a service.

So you’ve got this person right here

which is just four pound and two pence,

so very cheap.

They have really good reviews as well.

You can see you’ve got this seller here

for 12 pound, one for 16, one for 24 pounds.

So you know, depending on your budget,

depending on what seller you go with,

however, I would say as long as the reviews are good,

they should be okay to go ahead.

Typically, I wouldn’t recommend Fiverr to most people

as loads of services on there

which are really, really bad,

like for example, digital marketing.

There’s a lot of SEO stuff you can get done on there.

Like you can buy back links and stuff like that

but the back links never end up being good.

So I wouldn’t recommend it for stuff like that.

Just use it for the infographic.

That’s exactly what we do for our clients

when it comes to link building.

Super, super powerful method, guys.

So make sure you do incorporate this

in your link building campaign.